One of the basic topics connected with diversity management is the contrast between how we employ women and how we employ men. Women still don't have the same working opportunities as men and they are paid less for the same work. And in some industries they are underrepresented. One of these industries is IT and technology industry.
In the past 12 months the discussion about women in IT has become stronger. Google published the report about diversity in this company. There are only 30 % of women in Google. And on technology positions there are only 17 % of women. In Facebook, it's similar regarding their diversity report. 31 % of women in the whole company, 15 % of women on technology positions. Little better result was shown by LinkedIn: 39 % of women, 17 % on technology positions. In the Czech Republic, has 40 % of women in the company and 19 % on technology positions.
There are several projects trying to improve this situation and teach women about IT. There is a global project RailsGirls, in the Czech Republic a new project Czechitas was launched. Another interesting project, Geekettes, started in Berlin and is now active in more cities. The important thing about this project is that they are run by women for women.
I talked about Czech RailsGirls events and project Czechitas with Pavlína Grombiříková, former co-organizer of these two projects. And we also discussed the reasons of low number of women in IT.